Sunday, July 3, 2011

first Friday with the holy spirit mass as seniors

July 01 we celebrate our first Friday for the our school year 2011-2012 not only the first Friday but also the holy spirit mass. this is our first mass a mass together with the holy spirit mass and not only the holy spirit mass because July 01 also is the feast of the secret heart of Jesus.

July is my birth month. also the birth month of my mom and also the wedding anniversary of my parents. half of july is cancer and half is not. July Gem is Ruby. many activities happen on july even now.

the meaning of JUly according to ones i read on net . Julis Caesar,the great romengeneral gave his name to july,among the monaythings Caesar did was tovre-arrange the romancalender. This givehim a problemwith nameof seventh month in theold calender it haad beenthe 5thmonth, and thiswas the meaning of its name quintitis. Caesar realized that it would be sillyto have the sevent month with a name like the fifth sohe decided to callit after himself – and juling became july.

many person on my school is the celebrant of July but the most lucky is the one who celebrate his birthday together with the feast of the secret heart of Jesus. whos this person celebrate his birthday ? Im proudly say that this my adviser Mr. Robert Pascual Martin

July 01 as friday. every Friday we pray the act of entrusment to the devine mercy but now this prayer is to different to other why this is to different with other? the answer because its a great prayer. for me its a great prayer we prayer together with the feast of the mos secret heart of jesus in conjuction in the first Friday and the holy spirit mass..

July 01 as a first friday.asuwal to other first friday their is a person who is not wearing his/her gala uniform but for me its accepted because its July especially to those new in the High SchoolDept. but its good because only few are not wearing the gala uniform i hope it will continue and the next friday all will be on gala uniform.

July 01 holy spirit mass. asuswal doing in holy spirit mass. wearing uniform and having mass and giving gift to the student who blessed by the priest during the pag aalay. but this was different because the holy spirit mass is same with the First friday mass. its good to see but for me i hope it happen before the first friday of july like the last week of June.

this first Friday is different the ending song is the o sacred heart because this is the day of the heart of Jesus. after the mass the adviser give their git to their tudent as a sign of the holy spirit mass also their get their fruit of the holy spirit on the stage. but why always this give is pasa pasahan . i dont like this kind of task i like the kind of task whos a gift naming a student name because he or she is having that kind of values.. i know that teachers is to busy to make and identify whos student hving or poses that values.

i miss the old habbit of the teacher that their gift is with name of the student and not pasa pasahan mode . also the gift that not a things. because love of a teacher to his student is not measurable for a gift of things for me the most especial gift that you will get to your adviser is the one who have your name and written a values that he/she saw in you.

giving of award to the winners of altar beautification contest. i proud of you my co marian that you do you best. I'm happy to all of you . but for me its a game that having win ang having loose their are many competition to join not only this altar beautification contest . but even me i like to win but hindi pinalat so it ok but i like that mama mary but i will buy n lng because also im a collector or religious items

as a bday of sir robert its so masaya :)