Friday, May 20, 2011

Ang barangay election (copied only in fs account )

this post i only coppied from my friendster account. so its late . sorry. i only want is to back up this.

last Monday October 25 of this year 2010. many barangay had their election for SK and SB election. but not all barangay had their election on time because of bad weather and hard to bring the ballot on their provinces.we are very lucky that our barangay had the election on time on the right day. but sad to say even this election had many problem occur.

on the exact date of the election. on the front of the school were the election will held theirs so many candidate supporters who campaign for their candidate. like giving the money together with the sample ballot or together of the candidates pamphlets or the paraphernalia. the way that i know buying of votes are illegal and punishable of the suspension of the candidate. but the most sever punishment to be give to a candidate who prove that he/she buy a votes is imprisonments

sad to say that even local official in our government are also part of the political market. also the political dynasty that some times become a problem to our society

political market or better know as electoral market. the target of this electoral market is the poor people who willing to sell their vote for little money.even that candidate not able to develop and flourish the society.

the problem in most barangay and villages are the illegal activities led by barangay officials.hopefully nothing like that in society right now

i wish all the new official in the barangay in the Philippines. do their best in nourishing the society and preventing bad and illegal activities. more project to come

for those who lost. beter time next time. accept it because this fate is not your.

even you not win in this raise you need to accept this...even you are not a official "MAY MAGAGAWA KA. KAHIT SIMPLENG BAGAY LANG"

i wish all candidate who lost in this election specially who eligible to trust and capable to nourish our society will win next barangay election

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