Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Behind the Facade of Smile

We Filipino are known to be resilient to problem and hardship. Our optimistic nature coupled with our ability to laugh even at ourselves gives us the strength to overcome tough times. With the nation once again being pummeled to the dust by problem both foreign and local, the year 2009 is not going to be one smooth ride for us, Filipinos

But then again, when did we ever get a break from our problems? As far back as the beginning of our history we have been fighting and living constantly in a state of struggle. Oppressed by foreign powers the Spaniards, Japanese and the Americans- we as a people have learned from the beginning to be brave and to this day and age is no different, only this time, ours is not a fight for independence but of survival.

Our greatest enemy is ourselves. The culture of corruption has married our progress for the longest time, with the government taking its citizens for fools. Just recently, the name of the first gentleman has been linked yet again to a corruption case. It was even stated in the report of the World Bank that one has to bribe government officials in order to do business in the Philippines that’s another minus on our reputation as a nation.

The financial crisis has begun to put a number of countries into recession and there are talks that it will only be a matter of time before it full hit our shore. But come to think of it,hasn’t our economy always been in the dumps? Our problems on poverty have stuck to us like a bad smell and are showing no sign of going away. Our quality of living hasn’t really improvement except for those who are financially blessed. As always in our country, the rich gets richer and poor gets poorer.

We have gotten so used to our problem by now that we have become numb to it. Corruption and poverty have become a run of the mill issue. In the lives of our countrymen. Behind the smiles, the laughter and the happy go lucky attitude are people who are tired, exhausted and in pain. This year is another challenge we do best – tighten our belts knuckle up and hope for a better tomorrow

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