Tuesday, January 31, 2012

chapter III 1st draft of the research paper



This Chapter presents discussion of our research methodology use, subjects, instrument, method or procedures in data collection and analysis that the researchers employed the study. Asides by the use of the Library Resources , Book resources, Internet sites for related literature and studies and lastly in conducting survey in and out the campus. We also use the internet to get enough information about this thesis.


This research study use of descriptive research to discuss how classroom settings in the fourth year level affect their study habits and other activities. In this research we are studying how would the fourth year level will interact with one another inside the classroom.

Research Participants and Locale

This study was conducted to prove that the sectioning in fourth year level will improve their studies and not same with the first time SMCM do that kind of settings. This is done by researching the main point of our topic comes from the books, textbooks, Psychology enthusiast, internet via asking some question to the group “Nag aral ka sa St. Mary’s kung...” And TeeEms . Questioner that provided a particular topic to be answer with their own view of that said topic. Interviews and surveys form in and out of the campus, in the fourth year lower level and higher level of us. The researcher builds their own question after reading some book about education, psychology, social unpublished document, thesis and some journal. This is don by consulting one of them consulting their teachers and other people they know via social sites like Facebook especially the group of TeeEms and Nag aral ka sa st. marys kung.. And by consulting other Psychology enthusiast

Research Instrument

In gathering our data the researches employed a number and different types of procedures which we use

1. Observation

We observe our own classroom how the girls work by themselves without the help of boys. We

2. Interviews

We do an interview inside and outside our campus and higher and lower level than us the asking their own opinion about our settings

3. Virtual interview

One of the researcher do the virtual interview via the group that she is member

4. Survey

Surveying our classmate and other friends in the same level and in higher and lower level and also outside the campus

5. Virtual survey

One of the researcher do the virtual survey by asking the group that she is member about that said topic

6. Library Use

The researcher use some various material literally books, bound periodicals clippings magazines journal

7. Internet use

The researcher use the internet to research that said topic especially the site Philippines psychology association which one of the member brother is member on the said organization

Research Procedures

Thinking our topic according to our own likeness. We choose our respondent via their own history of the said topics. We select their own interpretation and message that is good for this research to write over this paper. According to their experiences we write this paper

Data Proceedings and Analysis.

The subject and participants of this study are selected via their good messages which appropriate to this paper. The researcher chooses to use all instrument to be able to point out the main reason of the said separation from the first year of separation until to our batch. We interview all teachers in the high school department to gather some information that be helpful to our research. We interview some other people outside our school and lastly we ask the help of the socialization site Facebook by the help of two group “Tee. Ems and Nag aral ka sa St. Mary’s kung…” they also took consideration of our topic and grammar we use they are all willing to give their own experiences in willingness to open and give their honest responds.

Tee Ems. All people who are member to this group and have time to check this group help us by means of commenting to it

Nag-aral ka sa st. mary’s kung.. all people to this group are willing to participate to this study there are give their own experiences even it not appropriate to this topic even their also share their own class pictures to this topic. Some respond are the batches of 1984-1986 who are willing to help us and welcome us to ask many question as we need and they will answer it.

Some teachers correct it and said they tried to remember others. And lastly outside who see all things happened to SMCM since old times who willing to participate also even there are not sure to other answer they give.

1st draft of title page of the thesis/research paper Dec. 2011


A Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of the High school Department

Saint Mary’s College of Meycauayan

In Partial Fulfillments

of the Requirement for

Secondary Degree


Capalad, Anna Victoria R.

Cruz, Krystal Yvez B.

Uy, Frances Jean R.

December 2011

1st draft of title page of the thesis/research paper Dec. 2011


A Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of the High school Department

Saint Mary’s College of Meycauayan

In Partial Fulfillments

of the Requirement for

Secondary Degree


Capalad, Anna Victoria R.

Cruz, Krystal Yvez B.

Uy, Frances Jean R.

December 2011

2nd draft of ch. I & 2 of thesis/research paper




Some country now a day has a regulation that boys and girls should be separated in studying to focus to their studies and no distraction. Their not allowed joining in the classroom or school. Some school allowed joining two gender in a school but different settings. Boys stay in all boys’ room and girls stay in all girls room. The most known schools is the school who only allow one gender per schools. Their a school who implement the single sex education. Sometimes their has a sister schools or brother school. The government implements that said settings in public school so that the student can focus to their studies but many private schools do the same implementation.

Here in our country their no such kinds of regulations that the government implemented. But their has a school who only pursue the single sex education either in classroom or on their schools. Single sex education can lead to difference behavioral order, physical , mental and psychological. Also can have bad effect or good effects this call the advantages and dis advantages.

This are the all boys school. Ateneo de Manila University, Lourdes school of Quezon city, Xavier school, Notre Dam, Don Bosco, Claret School of Quezon city, Aquinas School, LaSalle Greenhill’s, Espiritu Santo Parochial school in sta. Cruz Manila, Immaculate Conception for Boys.

This are the all girls school Miriam College, Assumption College, St,Scholastoca, St. Therese, Colegio De La Imaculada Conception, Immaculate Conception Academy, Philippines Woman University, School of the Holy Spirit.

Some school that I say is a Catholic school some school are technical school but in one way they are same they are all girls and all boys’ schools.

We are all known that boys and girls are dependent in each other. If they are no boys girls cannot work and if they are no girl’s boys cannot work to. But why is the point that even girl can work independent they are asking the work of boys same with girls. Some psychologist said that being dependent to each other is being socialize and being socialize is being a member of a group. The ones common problem of boys is laziness even on girls but 70 % is boys and only 30 % is for girls. The boys benefited with the girls and the girls benefited with the boys. They are the same benefited and they are the same it can spoil both sides

Here in the SMCM the common problem is the laziness of a student and the cleanliness of ones classroom also the bullying. Way back 1984-1986 SMCM conceptualize that said settings the all boys and all girls’ settings. It not success because many doesn’t like that said settings and many disadvantages they encounters.

Their has a Group in Facebook known as Nag aral ka sa St. Mary’s kung.. And their many people know those separation settings even on the group Tee Ems or the Tubong Meycauayan. According to Eimee Manuel Altre Wow! “Technology has evolved so much. Since when the girls are separated from the boys? Why so? Back in 1984 it was done yet was not so successful that's why it lasted only for a year. Di ba mas masaya kung co-ed?” .. for him c- education is much better than one sex education

According to Lhou Villanueva San Roque who studied in SMCM way back 1984-1985 under Miss Soriano. According to Joycelyn Sarsagat Matignas she studied also in SMCM way back 1984-1986. St. Natalie under Ms.Marasigan is a boys class the section of Ms. Jocelyn is share to the section of St. Natalie. According for them even its separated but the room was shared to opposite sex so its look like that the only changes is the class settings not the sectioning.

According to Joycelyn Sarsagat Matignas She has a first advisory class in SMCM still separated the boys from the girls and that section is .II-Zephyrinus. School Year 1984-1985 “even its stressful its super saya” . You can see what the true person if you can join them for a year and their no so stubborn like the co education you can not identify sometimes who are the stubborn or the one who misbehave
According to Eimee Manuel Altre “during my time was only one year” I ask him a question and he replied that because I’m So confused because according to ma’am Benero its only one year but according to the group of Tee Ems and nag aral ka sa St. Mary’s college its not only one years because they came up a prove that posted into the group of nag aral ka sa st. mary’s college
According to Dennis De Las Alas Wala naman pag kakaiba pag recess nakakasabay naman kumain yang mga yan. So for him the single sex education is not effective because every recess they have the same time so they meet again.
According to Joycelyn Sarsagat Matignas successful sya for me kasi walang babae sa room pag all boys...masaya..walang kaagaw..LOL.. I’m so happy for this answer because even that administration say that not successful for her it’s successful.
According to Eimee Manuel AltreThat girls are better than boys? Just kidding, never thought about that during my time. Each year of my high school life is uniquely fun, challenging and very precious for that's when i learned the value of friendship, discovering my chosen identity and work hard but with lots of fun to attain my goal in finishing my secondary degree.” What ever settings will be either single sex education or Co-ed the one’s goal you need to attain is to finish your secondary degree. What ever they said that girls are better than boys don mind it just keep your mind to finish your studies.
Base on existing research articles, literature, clippings and studies, the researchers think that one of the most difficult to research is the concept of our school St. Mary’s College of Meycauayan to separate again Boys from the Girls but it’s only our batch. Some people think that the separation happens because many students here in SMCM are Flirt so the administrations do that said separation settings. Some people also think that boy’s are so lazy they not think that not all students are lazy but only few are not lazy.
But not only this school year happen that settings. Way back 1984-1986 SMCM administration do the same settings but the difference is it’s a whole department do that said setting an on our batch is only the graduating students which is the fourth year except the star section Generosity. Some teacher said that our batch since our freshman years in high school even in our grade school life our batch is the most batches difficult to handle because we are so stubborn and cause our teachers headache

Base on the survey conducted by Krystal on the lower years they said that the concept implemented is so unfair because why the star section generosity is not separated and other section are separated they say that they can make to build a two star section who is for girls and for boys. Somebody said also that why only fourth year level is separated and other year level is not so for her it’s too unfair because if somebody sees that kinds of settings they be a thinking that our batch is so stubborn and many flirt. this is the sad news that only 2 person said that yes for our sectioning and other said no out of 10 student who undergone survey. Even for that said news I’m happy because they like that said sectioning and they like to happen it to their not only for they fourth year life but also for the whole high school department .

A lot of issues undergoing our mind or to the mind of out parents or to the third party who saw that said settings because why only the fourth year level undergo to that changes and why the star section also under go to that said changes because that said student are the cause of head ache of the teacher and the star section are not. They think any malicious content for the said new settings. Even the third party thinks that said settings will not success like during the first year they change that said sectioning because they has an activities that both sexes are need like a beauty pungent like UN, JS Promenade and many more. They not think that why other school succeeds to that said settings. Why ateneo, Miriam, Lourdes, Don Bosco ,La Consolacion and other school succeed to that said sectioning even they only accept one sexes and not like on our school they accepting both sexes but they only separate it in the room and only the fourth year. Also the third party think that if their has a case that their has a third sex and they will lead to more difficult case because its only one sexes to be allowed on the room. Malicious thinking can happen because they only see their teacher opposite their sex

According to Female Homosexual: A study of a Sub Culture (February 2001) being homosexual lesbian is because you only in place and you see that you are all girls. Being homosexual is their has an imbalance hormonal imbalance, size of the passageway between the two parts of the brain that can lead to be a homosexuality. Another theory is sex abused. They recognized that the vital role of the family could be a source of being homosexual and not the peer group either friend or classmate. Their only 10 % for the peer group and 90% for the family

This study is aiming equality Gender here in SMCM especially terms of their right in studying here in SMCM and their opportunities in any contest academic or not and the education. We are all know that in our batch that their has a homosexual cases but they not saying the truth that they are homosexual I think its only one % who say the truth that they was a homosexual other not confirming that they are homosexual or even Silahis/bisexual. I think their shy coming out what they are especially they are studying in catholic school. They thinking that its so embarrassing to both part

Even the separation will last or was last their no cases that from being straight to in the closet or being homosexual or silahis. Because it’s a hormonal imbalance of a person even the laziness, flirting, bullying and other misbehavior of both students and other concept related to separation. Their nothing happen if you think it in negative


This study was conducted to know why our batch was separated

a. What are the advantages and disadvantages of separation of boys and girls?

b. What are the effects of separation of boys and girls

c. What are the truth in separation in our batch

d. Is it the happening last separation will happen to this time of separation


The study and investigation was conducted to determine start and ending of separation of our batch. If for second time the separation will not success like the separation way back 1984-1986. To know how many years the separation run way back 1984. And to prove that the separation was good for our batch and to prove not only the simple section to separate but also the star section of the fourth year level. Not only our batch need separation but the whole high school department even the grade school and college department need the said separation or the one sex education to measure their capability without opposite sex and to avoid any malicious implant


Advantages. Benefit resulting from some course of action

Administration. Management

Benefited. Advantage of s thing

Bullying. Act of treating abusively

Bisexual/silahis. a person who having relationship to both gender

Capability. the quality or state of being capable

Cases. Something conceived in the mind

Concept. something conceived in the mind

Co education. single sex education

Conceptualize. Making one ideas

Convent. school a school for the nun

Catholic school. An institution runs by a nun or priest

Coming out. Being out what is you

Disadvantages. An unfavorable

Dependent. Conditioned by another

Department. a category

Distraction. Act of being distract

Equality. the quality or state of being equal

Facebook . a type of social networking sites

Flirt. to move erratically

Freshman. First year in high school

Female homo sexual. Known as lesbian

Grade school. Elementary

Graduating. Granting academic degree or program

Goal. the act or action of causing a ball or puck to go through or into such a goal

Hormonal. are the chemical messengers in the body that travel the bloodstream to the organs and tissues

Homosexuality. Psycho-sexual state which a person is attracted to another of the same sex

Independent. not subject to control by others

Issues. a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties

In the closet. Concept suggest keeping ones homosexual identiy from other people which may be partially or completely

Identity. the distinguishing character or personality of an individual

Lazy. moving slowly

Lower years. below fourth year level

Misbehavior. Wrong act of behavior

Mental. Relating to the total emotional and intellectual response of an individual to external reality

Malicious. having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone

Nag-aral ka sa St. Mary's kung.. A group in the socialization site facebook who aiming to kno who are student study in SMCM

One gender per school. Single sex education

Psychologist. The one who study Psychology

Parochial. schools a Parish school

Percentage . A part of a whole expressed in hundredth

Regulation. The act or process of regulating

Separated. Keeping apart

Studies/studying. application of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge

Settings. The manner, position, or direction in which something is set

single sex education. educating one sex

Socialize. to constitute on a socialistic

Spoil An act of damaging and harming

Success. a favorable outcome

St. Natalie. section in SMCM way back 1980’s

School Year. The period of time each year when the school is open and people are studying. Academic Year

Secondary Degree. refers to students within the middle school to high school age range

Stubborn. Difficult to handle, manage, or treat

Survey. Data gathering

Sectioning. a process of cutting or separating into

Sex abused. Forcing undergone sexual

Straight. Synonym of the hetero sexual

Sex. two major form of individual either male or female

Still separated related to be apart

Tee Ems. (Tubong Meycauayan) is a group on the social networking site Facebook who aiming to be one

Technology. tools that make life easy

Technical school. is a general term used for two-year college which provide mostly employment-preparation skills for trained labor, such as welding, culinary arts and office management.

Third party. a person other than the principals

Undergone. Going trough

Unfair. Not equitable

Uniquely fun. being the only one in violent or excited activity or argument

Very precious. great value

Value. Importance or usefulness

Vocational school. Trade school or career school), providing vocational education, is a school in which students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. Traditionally

II- Zephyrinus. Section way back 1980’s in SMCM




Technologies should be equally accessible to male and female students. Yet, as girls enter adolescence, large numbers of them tend to lose interest in science, math, and computer science. Girls are narrowing the gender gap in science and math, but not in technology

Overall girls' test scores and course enrollments have risen in these areas, with the exception of computer science. In order to attempt to address this issue, the cause of the discrepancies between males and females in computer use must be established. Several issues need to be addressed:

  • What is gender bias?
  • What evidence is there that a technology gender gap and gender bias exist?
  • Why are girls in their adolescent years losing interest in computers?
  • What are the differences and similarities between how males and females perceive and use technology?
  • What technologies are out there? For whom are they intended?
  • What role do parents, educators, and manufacturers have in encouraging technology use among females?

Gender Bias defined as when examining gender bias, it is important to define and understand the term. Gender is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as "classification of sex." According to this same source, bias is defined as "preference or inclination that inhibits impartiality; prejudice" (American Heritage Dictionary,1983). Thus gender bias is separation of gender in a way which prefers one sex over the other. Gender bias in technology refers to preference for or favoring of one sex over the other in computer use and/or access, software use and/or manufacturing, and Internet use and content. As can be seen, gender bias in technology is a multifaceted and complex issue.

Evidence of the technology gender gap and gender bias:

A gender gap exists between males and females in the use of technology. In a 1994 study, it was found that in a group of fourth through sixth graders who were defined as "heavy" computer users, the ratio of girls to boys using computers was 1:4 (Sakamoto, 1994). This is only the beginning of a trend which reveals a gap between boys and girls that continues into high school, college, and beyond. "Girls' participation rates (in math and science) in elementary and secondary school have increased, but drop as women advance in higher education. Although girls' achievement is approaching that of boys, a gender gap persists which increases with the grade level (Title IX at 25: Report Card On Gender Equity). Girls are making progress in these areas, but as the statistics show, much more needs to be done. One simply needs to walk into computer clubs or computer science classes in order to see the gap between the number of boys versus girls in these clubs and classes.

Often times, subtle messages are sent to girls and boys about expectations for their behaviors, attitudes, perception

Reasons adolescent girls lose interest in computers:

While information above makes it apparent that there is a gender gap in technology, there are a variety of theories as to why females lose interest in technology as they enter adolescence. One speculation is that girls simply approach technology differently. Some point to parental influence. Other theories blame teachers and the overall educational institution. Still other ideas lay the origins of this gap at role models or lack of role models. Another cause of the gender gap in technology is believed to be manufacturers of technology products. Although the most common theories point to a combination of all of these, each of the major influences will be discussed individually.

Teachers and the educational system are believed to influence the gender gap in computer use. One argument states that the gender separation in the use of the Internet begins as far back as kindergarten. Boys gravitate toward computer games and mechanical toys (Wilder, Marchie & Cooper 1985: 215-216, 220). Girls, on the other hand, are more likely to play with dolls or be involved in more social games. Teachers may treat boys differently than girls causing differing expectations. For example, boys and girls are often approached differently when dealing with inappropriate physical and verbal attacks on others. Boys involved in pushing or even fist fights may be more accepted that girls involved in the same activities; "boys will be boys." Girls are expected to be better negotiators thus preventing the need for physical altercations. In addition, girls in adolescence tend to experience weakening self perceptions (Miller, Chaika, Groppe,1996). Many girls in adolescence go through changes which negatively affect self image and future choices. As a result, girls often refrain from asking questions and sharing answers. Many girls feel inferior to others or wish to mask their leadership abilities and intelligence and decline opportunities to take part in student government, clubs, or challenges that may cause failure. These issues also discourage some girls from taking part in higher track classes in math, science, and computer science. Still others point at education at the administrative level. Here, some say, is where funds are appropriated. There are views that teachers and administrators in education are responsible for the gender gap in technology.

The lack of strong female role models is believed by some experts to be yet another reason for the gender gap in technology use between males and females. Dr. Janese Swanson Ed.D suggests providing children the opportunity to see guest speakers from both genders in nontraditional careers (Swanson, 1999). Common sense tells us that we find possibility or lack of possibility in what we experience. Girls who see and develop communication with other females who have careers in science and technology fields, will be more likely to have these high expectations for themselves. These girls will perceive science and technology fields as plausible careers for themselves. Few female mentors are available for girls when investigating career opportunities (Horizons, 1998). Just like boys, girls benefit from listening and interacting with mentors and role models.

Lee Canter said it best, "Parents are the most important, influential people in a child's life" (Canter, 1991). Parental views on gender roles, belief systems regarding gender, and actions toward both sexes will inevitably influence children. Children are sent strong signals about the world around them, more specifically about men and women, from parents. Parents' actions and words send messages about the parents' beliefs. Parents should closely examine whether their actions and words are telling their children what they wish them to be telling their children. Parents should closely examine what they say with their actions and words.

Ways parents, educators, and manufacturers can encourage technology use among females:

Those around young girls have great potential to influence their perceptions of themselves and other in relation to technology. Parents have the greatest potential to influence their children. Teachers and the educational system also have the ability to shape the self-images and futures of girls as they approach computers and computer fields. Though it can be argued that they have less influence, software manufactures and Internet providers also take part in encouraging or discouraging females in technology use. Parents, the educational systems, and manufacturers have the ability to help girls overcome the gender gap in technology.


This articles was posted last June 29, 2007 Friday entitle Keeping Boys and Girls Separated

One of the notable characteristics of fundamentalist Islam is the strict segregation of the sexes. Interactions between men and women who are not related to one another are tightly regulated, if not prohibited.

But Islam is not the only religion which separates the sexes. Orthodox Judaism is also very restrictive about interaction between males and females.

The case of a Jewish school in Gothenburg which is being sanctioned by the Swedish school authorities for separating boys and girls. Their Swedish correspondent LN located the material for this articles in the Swedish media, and a Swede who calls himself Carpenter volunteered to do the translation into English

It appears that the Jewish school in Gothenburg was not singled out because it was Jewish, but for simple violations of Swedish school regulations (whatever one might think of those).

But the unanswered questions are these: What would have happened if the school had been Muslim instead of Jewish? Would it have been sanctioned in the same way?

There is probably no way to answer these questions, since Muslims are so numerous in Sweden, and Jews so few, that it is unlikely that an Islamic school would find itself in the position of having so few pupils.

And now for Carpenter’s translations:

These articles are about the Jewish elementary “free-school” (friskola; a non-tax-funded school or private school) Beit Menachem in Gothenburg, which has lost its permit to educate Jewish pupils due to “several violations” and the fact that that the school separates girls and boys in different classes.

Another article Jewish school loses its permit after criticism
Keeps boys and girls separated

Jewish school loses its permit after criticism Keeps boys and girls separated The Jewish ground-school [elementary school] has several serious violations, according to the School Authority [Skolverket]. Hence, the school’s approval is being revoked.

The school Beit Menachem consistently organizes education and recreational activities in segregated boy- and girl-groups. “It is not compatible with the values and objectives which are expressed in the school legislation,” writes Skolverket in a message to the press.

Skolverket has also criticized the deficiency of the students’ influence, and the unequal share of responsibility between the principal and the students. One more criticized failure is that there are fewer than twenty students, all from the same family. According to the school law, every school must have at least twenty pupils.

“The deficiencies are so serious that the approval can no longer be given,” writes Skolverket.

Another article is all about

“First of all, they separate by gender, both in the teaching and during the breaks. They do so due to the Orthodox interpretation of their religion; they’re Hasidim, and girls do not interact with boys. But separation between girls and boys is against the curriculum as Skolverket construes it. Secondly, the school has too few pupils,” says Gerhard Eriksson, Skolverket’s education counsel in Gothenburg.

Beit Menachem School has nine pupils, but normally a free-school must have at least twenty pupils to receive aid from the municipality.

Skolverket has now decided to withdraw the school’s permit, if they have not solved their problems before April 13th or have clearly presented how the problems will be attended to.

However, if the school appeals in court, the process can take several years, and in the meantime the
school can be run as usual.

February 29, 2008,Friday entitle Boys & Girls. Separation start during preschool days and this separation is very strict because you cannot have playmates that opposite your sex. Till they grow up that rule is strict implemented you can have your playdate so the boys and girls is so frustarated to that kinds of rule

Why Gender Matters was to make sense of what I had been seeing in my own clinical practice, as a board-certified family doctor - and as a PhD psychologist - among the children who I had come to known, practicing for many years in the same town in suburban Maryland. I tried to make sense of these observations by linking them to emerging research in psychology and neuroscience. Some of those efforts were more successful than others. On this article I would like to provide updates and corrections for those points where my discussion in Why Gender Matters is now clearly out-of-date or inaccurate.

” female/male differences in VISION. The reality I was trying to understand in this section. the fact that when you give young children a blank sheet of paper and a box of crayons, most girls draw people, pets, flowers and/or trees. Most boys try to draw a scene of action at a moment of dynamic change. That's a robust empirical finding, valid across race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. That doesn't mean that ALL boys try to draw a scene of action; some boys draw exactly what the girls draw. But boys are more likely to draw a scene of action, such as a monster attacking an alien; girls are more likely to draw people, pets, flowers, or trees, with lots of colors. The people in the girls' pictures usually have faces, eyes, hair, and clothes; the people in the boys' pictures (if there are any people) often are lacking hair, clothes, often the boys draw mere stick figures in one color. How come? The usual answer "Because that's what we teach them to do" is unpersuasive, as I explain in Why Gender Matters. On the contrary, many of these boys insist on drawing these pictures not because teachers tell them to draw such pictures, but in spite of the teacher's repeated pleas, "Why do you have to draw such violent pictures?

female/male differences in HEARING. The reality I was trying to understand in this section was my own repeated observation, over many years of clinical practice, that some young boys who had been diagnosed by other practitioners as having ADHD, suddenly did much better in the classroom, and no longer needed to be on medication, simply by moving them to a classroom with a teacher who spoke more loudly - about 8 decibels more loudly. It was much less common to find a same-age girl who did much better in a classroom where the teacher spoke more loudly. So far so good. I tried to explain this observation with reference to female/male differences in threshold auditory acuity. That was simply a mistake on my part. Female/male differences in threshold auditory acuity 1) are pretty much irrelevant to any observation regarding supra-threshold stimuli, and 2) are much too small to account for the observation that these boys benefited when teachers spoke about 8 to 10 dB more loudly. Female/male differences in threshold auditory acuity - comparing girls and boys the same age - are only on the order of 3 dB or less, usually less.

“ female/male differences in mathematics instruction. The reality I was trying to understand in this section of chapter 5 is the fact that many middle-school boys seem to learn algebra better when you start with numbers, whereas many same-age girls seem to be more engaged if you start with a word problem. For example, if you are teaching equations in multiple variables, the typical 7th-grade boy will do better if you begin by asking "If x + 2y = 60, and 2x + y = 90, how do we solve for x and y?" But the typical 7th-grade girl will be more engaged if you begin by asking "If a sweater and two blouses cost $60, and two sweaters and a blouse cost $90, how much does each blouse and each sweater cost?" That again is a robust finding, confirmed by classroom observation in diverse settings. I have visited more than 300 schools in the past 11 years, not only in the United States but also in Australia, Bermuda, Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and Ontario), England, Mexico, New Zealand, and Scotland. (You can review lists of my visits to schools from 2005 to the present at leonardsax.com.) This finding is valid whether you are in Pittsburgh PA or Perth WA (Western Australia); it is valid whether the students are affluent or low-income; it is valid whether the students are Black or White, etc. Again, I'm not suggesting that EVERY boy does better with equations than with word problems; that is certainly not true. But the TYPICAL boy does better with equations than with word problems, whereas many girls are more engaged if you begin with the word problem and then work your way back to the equation. So far so good. The problem is that I tried to 'explain' that finding by referring to a study of spatial navigation in German college students. That study isn't really relevant, 1) because spatial navigation is not the same task as algebraic problem-solving, and 2) because students at university are many years older than students in middle school. The problem is that we didn't have a functional MRI study of middle-school-age girls and boys doing algebra problems - and we still have no such study.

Why Gender Matters What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences by Leonard Sax, MD, PhD

"Until recently, there have been two groups of people: those who argue sex differences are innate and should be embraced and those who insist that they are learned and should be eliminated by changing the environment. Sax is one of the few in the middle -- convinced that boys and girls are innately different and that we must change the environment so differences don't become limitations."
-- TIME Magazine, cover story

Praise for Why Gender Matters: " a lucid guide to male and female brain differences. . "
The New York Times

"When I was a college freshman, a male teaching assistant I sought help from told me matter-of-factly that women were not good at inorganic chemistry. Had I been armed with Why Gender Matters, about how biological differences between the sexes can influence learning and behavior, I could have managed an informed rejoinder to go along with my shocked expression. . . . Using studies as well as anecdotes from his practice and visits to classrooms, [Sax] offers advice on such topics as preventing drug abuse and motivating students. . . . The book is thought-provoking, and Sax explains well the science behind his assertions. . . [Why Gender Matters] is a worthy read for those who care about how best to prepare children for the challenges they face on the path to adulthood."
Scientific American Mind
"Convincing. . . Psychologist and family physician Leonard Sax, using 20 years of published research, offers a guide to the growing mountain of evidence that girls and boys really are different. . . -New York Post
Sax says, gender-neutral education favors the learning style of one sex or the other, and so only drives men and women into the usual stereotyped fields. The best way to raise your son to be a man who is caring and nurturing, says Sax, is to first of all let him be a boy. The best way to produce a female mathematician is to first of all let her be a girl. Mature men and women do draw on qualities that stereotypically belong to the opposite sex. But the easiest way to get them to that point is to first make them confident about being a man or a woman. . . Sax adds that children are less happy and confident nowadays because no one is teaching them how to be men and women. This is a powerful, even obvious insight, once you dare think it. . .
-Stanley Kurtz,
National Review Online.

Single Sex Education Advantages

Issues to Consider When Choosing a School

From Robert Kennedy, former About.com Guide


The numbers are not in favor of single sex education. According to the 2007-08 Private School Universe Survey, 96% of private schools are coeducational. Only 1.8% of girls and 2.2% of boys are educated in single sex schools. These are tiny numbers when compared to the number of elementary and high school students being educated in private coeducational schools.


Single sex education statistically is bucking the trend. With 96% of private schools solidly coeducational it is hard to point to any statistical reason why single sex schools can claim to be popular.

So you have to look at the intangible, some would even insist, unquantifiable benefits of single sex education to see what the advantages are. The research data in the U.S. is very limited. So basically every parent comes back to dealing with how his or her child learns best. Is she happiest in a single sex environment? Is he one of these totally self-confident children who will learn no matter where he happens to be? These are issues which you need to discuss thoroughly with your family as you decide which private school is appropriate for your child.

Assess your unique personal situation dispassionately. Boys' and girls' schools do a fine job of serving their clientele according to the limited studies available. Perhaps that learning environment is suitable for your child. It's one of many options worth exploring as you develop a list of schools to explore and inspect in depth.

The benefits of single sex education are largely what you make them to be. If your child learns to achieve his goals and is unafraid to be competitive, if she knows that she can be whatever she wants to be, and you can attribute some of those feelings and achievements to the learning environment she was in in high school, that is good. Unfortunately the benefits of single sex education are hard to determine simply because the numbers are so small. Only 4% of students attend single sex schools.


The biggest disadvantage appears to be socialization or lack of it. Socialization can be a major distraction for many teenagers. These attitudes are not helped by the incessant pounding by the media of all kinds of socially acceptable behavior, hot music; 'cool' clothing and so on. That's probably why there are not more single sex schools. It's just not 'cool'. Paradoxically the lack of social distractions is also one of the main advantages to single sex education.