Tuesday, January 31, 2012

chapter III 1st draft of the research paper



This Chapter presents discussion of our research methodology use, subjects, instrument, method or procedures in data collection and analysis that the researchers employed the study. Asides by the use of the Library Resources , Book resources, Internet sites for related literature and studies and lastly in conducting survey in and out the campus. We also use the internet to get enough information about this thesis.


This research study use of descriptive research to discuss how classroom settings in the fourth year level affect their study habits and other activities. In this research we are studying how would the fourth year level will interact with one another inside the classroom.

Research Participants and Locale

This study was conducted to prove that the sectioning in fourth year level will improve their studies and not same with the first time SMCM do that kind of settings. This is done by researching the main point of our topic comes from the books, textbooks, Psychology enthusiast, internet via asking some question to the group “Nag aral ka sa St. Mary’s kung...” And TeeEms . Questioner that provided a particular topic to be answer with their own view of that said topic. Interviews and surveys form in and out of the campus, in the fourth year lower level and higher level of us. The researcher builds their own question after reading some book about education, psychology, social unpublished document, thesis and some journal. This is don by consulting one of them consulting their teachers and other people they know via social sites like Facebook especially the group of TeeEms and Nag aral ka sa st. marys kung.. And by consulting other Psychology enthusiast

Research Instrument

In gathering our data the researches employed a number and different types of procedures which we use

1. Observation

We observe our own classroom how the girls work by themselves without the help of boys. We

2. Interviews

We do an interview inside and outside our campus and higher and lower level than us the asking their own opinion about our settings

3. Virtual interview

One of the researcher do the virtual interview via the group that she is member

4. Survey

Surveying our classmate and other friends in the same level and in higher and lower level and also outside the campus

5. Virtual survey

One of the researcher do the virtual survey by asking the group that she is member about that said topic

6. Library Use

The researcher use some various material literally books, bound periodicals clippings magazines journal

7. Internet use

The researcher use the internet to research that said topic especially the site Philippines psychology association which one of the member brother is member on the said organization

Research Procedures

Thinking our topic according to our own likeness. We choose our respondent via their own history of the said topics. We select their own interpretation and message that is good for this research to write over this paper. According to their experiences we write this paper

Data Proceedings and Analysis.

The subject and participants of this study are selected via their good messages which appropriate to this paper. The researcher chooses to use all instrument to be able to point out the main reason of the said separation from the first year of separation until to our batch. We interview all teachers in the high school department to gather some information that be helpful to our research. We interview some other people outside our school and lastly we ask the help of the socialization site Facebook by the help of two group “Tee. Ems and Nag aral ka sa St. Mary’s kung…” they also took consideration of our topic and grammar we use they are all willing to give their own experiences in willingness to open and give their honest responds.

Tee Ems. All people who are member to this group and have time to check this group help us by means of commenting to it

Nag-aral ka sa st. mary’s kung.. all people to this group are willing to participate to this study there are give their own experiences even it not appropriate to this topic even their also share their own class pictures to this topic. Some respond are the batches of 1984-1986 who are willing to help us and welcome us to ask many question as we need and they will answer it.

Some teachers correct it and said they tried to remember others. And lastly outside who see all things happened to SMCM since old times who willing to participate also even there are not sure to other answer they give.

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