Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fish kills whats the real cause?

fish is the ones important in our hapag kainan. many fisher is depend their life's in their fishing cage. so the outbreak of the fish kill is a massive loss to them not only to them but also to us who ate fish.

we know that a pass month japan experienced a crisis. this crisis is so very massive. its all about their nuclear power plant who suffer a melt down after a tsunami and earthquake experienced. and we know that nuclear is very dangerous to us. we know that a nuclear is consists a uranium plutonium etc. who is ver danger to once life that can cause a cancer or other disease not only to human but also to animal plant. either an aquatic animal like fish or not.

and according to some article on the newspaper the pacific ocean is like a dumb side where some other country throw their waste on it. but the pacific ocean is very far to setting of the fish kills. we know that the effect of the radioactive waste is not now. many years after its can be effect but what this is it the effect?

why the fish kill happen? is it the weather or not. or another theory is it the is narrowness of the fish cages so oxygen cannot pass trough watter to the gills of the fish. or the close fitting of the fish cages. many fish cages on batangas and pangasinan are allowed to build whether its legal or not.

is it true that the goverment on this place are to corrupt to not noticing on the problem. they still need to rich in this point? but the point is end we rich to the point. many fishes are die due to negligence. many business are loss their income due to massive fish kill . not only the owner also who are the dealer and retailer of fish. even in some provinces like bulacan are infected because of that. and according their has die and their has a food poisoning in eating that fish who die on the fish kill

but according to some studies publish tru net and newspaper fishes who die a few minutes in fish kill can be eated. a fish who is dying also can be. but why that this following fish cannot be eated ? whats the reason why people cannot eat this fish who die in a fish kill for the factor of lose of oxygen. losing oxtgen of the fish is very natural. and a fish die for the cause of loose of oxygen can be eated but what is this?

is this the effect of the radiation comes from japan? its can be also not. is this because the pollution tru air and water. can be yes can be no. i hope the answer is no. but how do we know if the government cannot do some studies about it. we can ask a help from the expert around our country also on other country.

we know that the Philippines is a third world country so we can ask a help from other country that our allies like japan or America. we know that our economy is relatively low. we would like to see its fails and fails because of the fish kill. fish is one of our product for exports but when the outbreak happen man Filipino are afraid to eat fish even not comes from the effected areas.

we know that the the water resources are connected even its not tru the water under ground can be connected. we know that this two places is very far to pacific ocean that according to new its like a dump-side of chemical who i very danger to life. but its to far to have

but the more afraid if the fish kills happen around the pacific ocean like Isabella,ilocos Quezon province. that the effect of the radioactive waste comes from the japan

hopefully soon resolve it and know what the real cause of the fish kills

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