Monday, June 6, 2011


Kpop or Korean pop and Ppop Philippines pop. Korean pop start on the Korea and many Filipino for today are admire,amaze and appreciate the Korean pop not only by the Korean pop but also by the Korean culture. an influence of the Korean pop music here in the Philippines can be the cause of the dying of our opm songs.

Ppop is the our own pop group here in the Philippine. the first Ppop group here in the Philippines is the XLR8. its provide the nature of what the Filipino like about it. its like the Korean pop but you can understand it.

many said that the Ppop is the reverse of the Kpop . yes it the reverse. it our own culture its like the opm turn into pop that went you here you can dance it. but many people say that its gaya gaya because many Filipino for today patronage the other music like the the Kpop so our music will turn into low and dying because of that.

because of the dying music industry on the Philippines. they launched the Ppop group XLR8 to follow what the people need in music. they song is a combine of English and Tagalog but the improve of the Ppop you can understand all the lyrics unlike the Kpop some are cant understand by the Filipino.

Ppop improve the music industry here in the Philippines but the bad are Kpop and other music are patronizing the kpop and othe music. but the more popular and famous for today is the KPOP.

KPOP commonly Pinoy like is the 2ne1 that one of their member is Sandara Park (dara )who become popular on a quest of the channel 2. and also make concert here in the Philippines. the another k pop group are big bang, wonder girls,super juniors etc

the influence of Korean culture here in the Philippines is unbelievable because even you cannot understand their song you patronage it. you are helping the Korean culture to improved their music industry and your own music industry are dying because of the other music example is the Kpop.

so what do you choose ? music on the other country? or your own music?.. lets patronize our music . the opm. phillipines relase the ppop because the om music are dying so the answer on it is to follow what other country are doing. so you can still call it as gaya gaya and doesnt have an originality ..

not bad to patronize other culture or music but before you patronize other culture or music patronize first you own culture and music. many music culture in the Philippines are lost because of other music culture. so you still to lose those culture. those opm song to patronize it ? do not wait until it lose . Philippines music industry for now are dying because of that other music and the example of that is the KPOP group.

many young people are obsessed on that kpop not only young even old people like them. but remember musical industry here in the Philippines are dying.. I'm not blaming those music those kpop,jpop etc. but my concern is to patronize first our music before patronize other music like kpop

we know that Kpop on our country are extensively know. they patronize it even they cannot understand what the message of their song. if i were you i patronize first the opm and Ppop before patronizing Kpop. i myself are patronizing the kpop but i also patronizing the opm song and the ppop so its tie..

kpop are not bad influence to the Filipino. ppop is like kpop but you can understand it. ppop are using the opm and their remixes it in order to follow what the beat of it .

before you patronize kpop patronize first the ppop even for you its no originality.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Uh, could you please fix your English first before ranting? Well, I understand your point but artistic consumption of any form depends on personal perspectives. It's like food consumption - you prefer some over the others. Though what you mean is actually good for the industry to survive, I think it'll be better if they suffer harder so they'll know what went wrong and why. If the attitude of the many will be always like 'patronizing everything because it's your own though it's crap' (pardon for the use of the word crap), nothing will be able to be changed for the better. Everything will stagnate and we'll all believe in the lies of anything and everything's existence. The idea of P-Pop is actually a good framework but what it lacks is the manifestation of the supposed lessons learned from K-Pop. Don't be butthurt but P-Pop sucks. Really. They need to know that or else they'll believe they are at par with the groups they are copying.


  3. Is this true? bugoy nabuntis si Ej Laure

    Im not sure if this is true about Bianca Umali Scandal

    Lots of fake news nowadays...haissst

    I know this one is true about the new parody of micheal V named Gayahin mo Sila

    stephen hawking death

  4. omg hiii, are you still supporting p-pop now?
